The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. Every year, millions of tons of used clothing end up in landfills, where they can take hundreds of years to decompose. This contributes to climate change and other environmental problems.

There are a number of ways to donate or recycle your old clothes so that they don’t end up in landfills. Here are a few options:

Donate to a charity shop

Charity shops are a great way to give your old clothes a new home. They sell donated clothes at a low price, which makes them accessible to people who are in need.

When donating to a charity shop, it’s important to make sure that your clothes are in good condition. They should be clean, free of stains, and free of rips or tears. You should also remove any personal items from your clothes, such as jewelry or tags.

Resell your clothes online

If your clothes are in good condition, you can also sell them online. There are a number of websites that allow you to sell your clothes, such as eBay, Poshmark, and Thredup.

When reselling your clothes, it’s important to take good photos and write a clear description. You should also price your clothes competitively.

Recycle your clothes

If your clothes are not in good condition, you can recycle them. There are a number of companies that will recycle your clothes and turn them into new products, such as insulation or carpeting.

When recycling your clothes, it’s important to remove any buttons, zippers, or other metal parts. You should also remove any labels or tags.

Donate your clothes to a textile recycling program

Textile recycling programs collect used clothing and textiles and turn them into new products. These programs can be a great option if you have a lot of old clothes that you don’t want to donate or resell.

When donating your clothes to a textile recycling program, it’s important to make sure that they are clean and free of stains. You should also remove any personal items from your clothes, such as jewelry or tags.

Upcycle your clothes

If you’re creative, you can upcycle your old clothes into new creations. There are a number of tutorials online that can show you how to upcycle your clothes into things like bags, pillows, and even furniture.

Upcycling is a great way to give your old clothes a new life and reduce waste.


There are a number of ways to donate or recycle your old clothes. By donating or recycling your clothes, you can help to reduce waste and protect the environment.

Here are some additional tips for donating or recycling your old clothes:

  • Do your research. Not all charities and recycling programs are created equal. Do some research to find a reputable organization that will put your clothes to good use.
  • Be prepared. When you’re ready to donate or recycle your clothes, be sure to have them clean and free of any personal items.
  • Make it easy. Many charities and recycling programs will pick up your clothes for free. This makes it easy to get rid of your old clothes and help the environment at the same time.